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22 mai 2013 3 22 /05 /mai /2013 11:38

...et on prend la pose.



Il y en aura d'autres...

Quelques uns ont trouvé un nouvel album dans la rubrique " albums photos ", mais pas tous.

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21 février 2013 4 21 /02 /février /2013 13:24


Du Sligochampion du 4 mai 2011 :


Councillors from Sligo and Crozon pictured in the Mayor's Parlour at the signing of the Friendship Charater during the Twinning celebrations in 1981.



THE SLIGO-CROZON Town Twinning link is 30th years old this year. And the countless friendships generated will be celebrated in Sligo with an extensive programme of events between May 7th to 14th when a group of 75 from Crozon will visit.

It all began in 1979 when a small rotund Breton man called Gege Le Bourdiec arrived on the steps of Sligo Town Hall, and had a chance meeting with the then Mayor of Sligo, the late Clr. Michael Carroll. They could not speak each other's language but after two years of courtship and many pints of the black stuff, a friendship and a twinning bond between Sligo and Crozon was formed that has endured for a remarkable three decades.

Since the Friendship Charter linking the two towns was signed between the then Mayor of Sligo, the late Clr. Sean McManus, and the then Mayor of Crozon, Claud Yvenat, in 1981, groups from both towns have exchanged and formed friendships, some that are still going strong.

Exchanges between the coastal town in the north-west of Brittany and Sligo have included school and summer exchanges, Sligo All Stars Basketball Club, traditional Irish musicians, choirs, football clubs, Sligo Athletic Club and a host of other clubs and organisations, all resulting in thousands of friendships having been formed between people from both Sligo and Crozon.

The strength of the town twinning link has been recognised by the Brittany/Ireland Association when it gave Sligo Town Twinning an award for its ongoing success in fostering the friendship link between Sligo and Crozon. The link has also facilitated groups and individuals visiting Sligo as tourists during the 30 years since 1981

Between May 7th and May 14th a week long celebration of one of the longest and most successful twinning partnership in Ireland will be held in Sligo, when a group of 75 from Crozon will enjoy activities and events of mark the 30th anniversary. The group, comprising all ages, will stay in rented accommodation, hotels and host families .

Indeed the twinning link has resulted in roads and housing estates in both towns named in honour of the partner towns such as Crozon Downs, Crozon Promenade and Brittany has a Sligo Boulevard.

Five members of the visiting group are people with learning disabilities from the Arvorig Group who will be staying in the Clarion Village apartments. During their stay in Sligo, they will link up with Pat O'Malley and ' the Splashing Penguins.'

Also among the visitors from Crozon will be five cyclists who will take part in the An Post Cycle Tour of Sligo on Sunday, May 8th.


A lire aussi l'article de Bertrand lu sur le Sligoweekender, sur Facebook groupe "Jumelage Crozon Sligo",

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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 00:00

405.JPGQue faire pendant le jumelage ?


écouter des discours...






Se transformer en arbre pour laiser se reposer les oiseaux








Ne pas abuser de boissons locales...























278.JPGFaire des photos...












































...Heu !

Tester les installations !





















Et enfin, poser pour la photo !

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22 janvier 2013 2 22 /01 /janvier /2013 00:00

 Cinq ans déjà. Mai 2008 voyage à Sligo.

On remarquera un chanteur irlandais dans le choeur, discret à l'arrière du groupe.



Les personnalités...


Des congratulations après une chanson...


Des célébrités avec orchestre...


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11 janvier 2013 5 11 /01 /janvier /2013 00:00

Après  les premières prises de contact à Sligo avec Gégé et ses copains de Morgat, il a bien fallu organiser la signature de la charte en 1980 à Crozon en présence de personnalités.

Voyez la photo de mariage sur le perron de la mairie :



Paru dans" 1980, Année du jumelage" et "1980 - 2000 XXème anniversaire"

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